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"I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst." John 6:35  


If you are reading this, then you probably received a meal through Hunger Fight and read the above verse on the tag found on your meal. You may have wondered what that verse means and decided to visit us online to find out more. (And we're glad you did!)


This verse explains the Good News by using common things we all need to live: food and water.  When Jesus said these words, he had just fed a large group of people. But after he fed them he told them that their physical hunger and thirst was symbolic of a much greater need.


What is this need? It is a spiritual need brought about by a broken relationship with our Creator. We were made to know and enjoy God. Unfortunately, sin has made this impossible. It has cut us off from God who is the source of true enjoyment and left us only with inferior options to find what we need. This need is just like our need for food. Unless this need is met, we can't live! We try to satisfy this need, or this spiritual hunger and thirst with things that cannot satisfy. We look to sex, entertainment, drugs, alcohol, relationships or money to give us the enjoyment and satisfaction only a relationship with God can give. Many turn to religion hoping that they will find what they need there, but being religious can keep someone away from God as well. 


Maybe this describes you and you no longer know where to turn. We have some good news we want you to know: Jesus is the answer. Jesus is more than enough. In fact Jesus is who you need. Only Jesus can bring us near to God and give us the enjoyment we hunger for. This is why Jesus describes himself as the bread of life. And he says that he will give this bread to anyone who comes to him in faith. â€‹


The meal you have received will only last for a little while. Tomorrow you will be hungry again. But he has provided this meal so you might come to see your need for what only Jesus can give you.  Only he can provide the spiritual food and drink for your soul that your soul longs for. You won't find it anywhere else.  


Jesus, the Son of God, came into the world as a man, lived an absolutely perfect life which no other human has ever been able to do. Then he went to the cross to be a perfect sacrifice for imperfect people so that he might pay for the sins of everyone who believes in him.  And we know that debt was paid because he was raised again from the dead. All this He did so that the spiritually hungry and thirsty might be filled and have eternal life and enjoy God forever. 


Want to talk to someone? Email us at We would love to talk to you and tell you more about the Grace of the Redeemer and the New Life he freely offers to anyone who trusts in him. 



Serving our community together for the glory of Christ

and to make Christ known to our community.

Serving the Yulee Florida community

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